Top 2 Free iPhone app of the week

I just can't get enough of this NYtimes application for the iphone. If you are addicted to US happenings and would always up to know the latest, freshest news on what's happening all around the United States, then this app is for you.

This is no ordinary news outlet that you can hang out with, the articles are exquisitely written by non other than nyTimes journalists. Juicy and beefy in nature, full of vibrance and collective journalism is at its best. Go ahead and DL it. Don't be the last to know on what's happening with Barack O.

Along with my top 2 pick this week is the NEWSER application. Trust me, you'll end up checking newser every hour on what's happening around the world. This app just definitely serves its purpose in its head banner "READ LESS. KNOW MORE".

Gone are the days when you seat during breakfast along with your newspaper, flipping the pages, and hassling the longitude of the paper itself to touch the table. With this NEWSER app, you can directly check what's hot real time on the latest current events mainly in the US and around the world. What's intriguing about this app and what's making you want for more about this is the fact that it offers squeezed in update/breaking news for a specific topic. So, you can really know more...and read less.


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